Five years ago, I had seen doctor after doctor. Some of them helped push me in the right direction, but I still had a lot of health issues lingering from my chronic lyme. One holistic health practitioner recommended purchasing a sauna to help my body heal and detox (I have MTHFR gene).
I was told that a sauna could be amazing for some of the symptoms I was living with. Headaches, cold all the time, inflammation, inability to detox, overall fatigue and more.
So, I tried one at my local gym. And after just one use...I felt worse, not better. I was determined to figure out WHY that sauna made me feel worse. I brought it up at my next holistic doctor appointment and she asked me what type of sauna I used.
I told her it was a steam sauna and she said "oh that's why it made you feel worse". Steam saunas are notorious for mold spores. Since I already had high mold in my blood she said it "stirred up" the mold in my body. She recommended a specific brand and a specific type of infrared sauna that didn't use steam.
I found a local spa that had the type of sauna my doctor recommended. I wanted to be sure it wouldn't make me feel worse. So, I sat in it for 40 minutes.

Much to my surprise, I felt relaxed in the sauna. Afterwards I felt energized and then I slept great that night which had not happened in years. More importantly it did not flare up any of my symptoms.
I was so excited to finally find a sauna I could tolerate! So, I started digging into the research and details of why this particular sauna worked. And why I reacted to all the others.
The type of sauna that worked so well for me was an Infrared Sauna.
Infrared saunas are very different from other type of saunas (dry sauna, steam sauna, heated rocks, etc...). Unlike steam, there is no moisture with an infrared sauna. That means ZERO mold spores.
And unlike other types of saunas, infrared saunas can be used effectively at lower temperatures. This can be helpful for people with mold symptoms and histamine issues.
Let’s talk about what an infrared sauna is and how it works.
(Jump to the discount info here if you don't want to read the full article)
Infrared Sauna: How It Works + Health Benefits
Infrared light is felt as an internal heat. The soothing, natural warmth from the sun is infrared heat. But unlike the sun, the infrared light here doesn’t have UV rays that can cause sunburn or aging.
In fact, you can be exposed to infrared light for hours without any risk of burning.
Infrared light therapy is 100% safe
I find this gentle heat so relaxing and comforting. It reminds me of being on a beach, soaking up the sun on a warm summer day.
Research on infrared saunas has shown the below health benefits:
- Helps with wound healing and muscle recovery
- Immune support
- Boosts metabolism
- Helps remove toxins from the body (detoxification) – i.e. mold toxins, chemicals, metals.
- Inflammation-lowering effects
- Acts similarly to antioxidant nutrients
- Activates the cell healing cycles
- May help to potentially lower dementia/alzheimer's risk
Not all infrared saunas are created equal though. In fact the best infrared saunas provide 3 different bands of infrared wavelengths:
- Near Infrared
- Mid Infrared
- Far Infrared
Each of these wavelengths provides different benefits.
Near Infrared reaches the skin’s outermost layer. It energizes and regenerates cells. Benefits include:
- Cell Health/Immunity Boost
- Faster Wound Healing
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Muscle Recovery
Mid Infrared wavelengths reach the body’s soft tissue. This is where inflammation occurs. Benefits include:
- Pain Relief
- Improved Circulation
- Muscle Recovery
Far Infrared reaches deepest into the body. It can reach deep into the tissues where toxins are often stored. Benefits include:
- Weight Loss
- Detoxification
- Relaxation
- Immune Support
My Recommendation for a Safe Infrared Sauna–
When I recommend something, I do a lot of research on that product. I take a lot into consideration and I try it for myself first.
In the research I did, I learned that not all infrared saunas are equal. In fact, they can be very different in terms of EMFs, chemical off-gassing, and need for high heat temperatures.
So, which sauna was it that has worked so well for myself and many friends and family?
The sauna I settled on is from Sunlighten.
Here is what allowed me to tolerate Sunlighten Sauna when I couldn’t tolerate other saunas.
These are the 5 major reasons why I went with Sunlighten Sauna:
- Has all 3 infrared wavelengths: near, mid, and far
- Can get the health benefits at lower temperatures for shorter times
- Low EMF (with 3rd party testing validation)
- No chemical off-gassing
- Sustainable materials used (better for the environment)
My favorite of Sunlighten’s sauna has a patented infrared technology with all 3 wavelengths. These wavelengths deliver those gentle, warming infrared waves directly into the body.
Delivering the infrared waves directly into your body is what can allow you to detox without high temperatures and in a shorter period of time than other saunas.
With some saunas, only the air is heated. That means only your outer skin is getting hot which means you won’t have much detox happening – so what’s the point?
But infrared waves penetrate your body deeper. These waves reach those deeper tissues where toxins are stored. Particularly reaching the fat-soluble toxins like mold toxins.
Another reason I like Sunlighten is the low EMF factor.
One of the reasons I had trouble with so many saunas is that most emit a lot of EMFs. And there is clear, solid evidence showing how EMFs trigger inflammation.
So, you don’t want a sauna with high EMFs, look for 3rd party testing for EMFs by an independent testing company.
You don’t want to just go by the company’s own evaluation, though. It’s too easy for a company to skew their own results if it’s not 3rd party tested.
Sunlighten Saunas were 3rd party EMF tested in 2020 and 2021. This testing showed EMF levels in Sunlighten Saunas were lower than 95 percent of common household devices like hair dryers or vacuum cleaners!
Of course, I still tested with my own EMF meter as well. And I found the EMF levels in my sauna to be very low.
And some people (like me) can be triggered by off-gassing of toxic chemicals. This is another reason I had trouble with other saunas in the past.
Sunlighten doesn’t purchase saunas from a large, mass-production sauna factory. They source all raw materials from PEFC-certified and FSC-certified woods. These are certifications for socially and environmentally responsible wood sourcing.
They have also done extensive third-party testing to ensure their saunas are made with safe, non-toxic materials. So, no weird chemical smell, and no off-gassing!
The sauna I picked is made with hypoallergenic basswood. This is the wood I’d recommend if you have any chemical sensitivities or allergies.
There are a lot of great health benefits and there have been many clinical studies done to back up the claims. Below is just a snippet of some of my favorites but if you scroll down to the bottom of this post there are a ton of studies under references.
>>> A 2016 study compared to people who used the sauna once per week, those who used it 2-3 times per week and 4-7 times per week had a 21% and 66% lower risk for dementia, respectively. For Alzheimer's disease specifically, the risk was 20% and 65% lower, respectively.
>>> A 2013 study (see references below) concluded that repeated sauna may help people with allergic rhinitis. This is a kind of nasal swelling and congestion often associates with histamine issues, mold, allergies and mast cell activation.
>>> A case study that was published in 2014 showed that sauna was helpful for severe chronic itching that didn’t respond to antihistamines.
>>> Further, there are studies showing how sauna can support the nervous system and relaxation.
>>> A 2013 study looked at the effects of just a single 15-minute sauna session. The study showed that sauna improved the white blood cell profiles.
>>> Sauna use has also been shown in studies to help the skin in people with psoriasis and eczema.
>>> Finally, there are numerous studies showing how sauna supports removal of toxins in the body. This includes mold toxins and was my main reason for purchasing one.
I think the most important reason to own a sauna right now is the clinical data backing the fact that infrared saunas can drastically boost your immune system. When we feel like we are coming down with something we get in the sauna, which can induce a rise in basal body temperature, and viruses do NOT like heat. At first sign of illness we combine sauna treatment, elderberry tonic every two hours, high dose vitamin C/D and we are usually good to go within a day or two.
How Infrared Saunas Can Boost Your Immune System During Cold and Flu Season
The cold and flu season is upon us. It is far better to strengthen the immune system so that you reduce the chance of getting sick in the first place. After all, viruses can only make you sick if your immune system allows it.
How a Fever Improves Immune Function
When you have an infection, your immune system induces fever in order to stimulate immune function and make the body less habitable for pathogens [1]. Generally, fevers under 104oF (40oC) help the body fight off pathogens without the risk of febrile seizures. In addition, people infected with rhinovirus (a type of cold virus) who use anti-fever medications experienced reduced immune response — they experienced worsened symptoms, took longer to recover from the cold, and were more infectious than those who didn’t use medications [2].
According to the American College of Critical Care Medicine, fever is defined as a core temperature of 100.9°F (38.3°C) or higher, i.e. just above the upper limit of an average human temperature, irrespective of the cause [3]. Sunlighten infrared saunas can penetrate deep into tissues and raise core body temperature to approximately 102°F (39°C). Although the sauna heats you up differently than a fever does, the increased body temperature can provide many benefits of fever, such as improving immune functions and preparing your body for the cold and flu season.
1) Making antiviral and antibacterial immune responses more efficient
Many aspects of immune function are heat-sensitive and are designed to be mobilized in response to a fever. Specifically, fever-range body temperature causes the body to favor anti-viral and anti-bacterial immune response (Th1) over the antiparasitic or allergic (Th2) immune response. In addition, fever-range temperature helps the immune system better remember germs that you are exposed to, so that the next time you encounter them pathogens, your body can fight them off better [4]
In addition to heating the body, near-infrared light also stimulates white blood cells and increases antibodies against germs by increasing cellular energy production [5].
2) Hormesis
The term “hormesis” refers to a small amount of stress that trains the body to get stronger. For example, exercise is a type of hormesis. Many health benefits of saunas are due to hormesis.
Using the sauna generates heat stress and oxidative stress at the low levels that help the body better deal with these stressors. The heat exposures trigger the production of heat-shock proteins, which help other protein molecules fold correctly. In addition, heat-shock proteins also help the immune system fight off viruses [6].
Too much oxidative stress can damage tissues and immune cells, which reduces your ability to fight infections. The sauna generates small amounts of oxidative stress that increases your cell’s antioxidant capacity, which reduces your risk of getting sick [7].
3) Anti-aging for the immune system
The immune system, which is continually replenished by immune stem cells in the bone marrow and thymus, is one of the most sensitive systems to aging. This is why the elderly (>65 years old) are more likely to get sick and develop complications from cold and flu.
As people age, their immune stem cells have a declining ability to regenerate more white blood cells. Interestingly, photobiomodulation, especially from the near-infrared spectrum, may stimulate the mitochondria of these stem cells and help mitigate age-related immune decline [8].
4) Reducing Stress
Stress significantly increases the incidences of colds by reducing the antiviral immune system, partly because cortisol suppresses the immune responses [9, 10, 11]. Exposure to far-infrared sauna significantly reduces post-exercise cortisol, which may mitigate the immune-suppression effects of stress [12, 13]. In addition, you can use Sunlighten infrared saunas, along with Acoustic Resonance Therapy technology to help you get into a relaxed state, which may further help reduce the risk of getting sick from stress. I personally like to meditate and use my sauna time as "me time", I look at it as a huge stress reliever and my time to check out.

5) Normalizing the Circadian Rhythm and Improving Sleep
Not all sleep is created equal. Deep sleep helps build your antiviral immune system, so you want to increase deep sleep in the winter [14].
During colder months, when the days are shorter and sunlight is dimmer, your sleep could get thrown off. You may hardly notice it because you are still going to work and sleep on the same schedule, but you may experience changes in mood, fatigue, and more frequent colds partly because you are not sleeping as deeply.
According to board-certified sleep psychologist Dr. Micheal Breus, the steep drop in body temperature in the evening helps cue your body that it is time to sleep. Using the infrared sauna in the afternoon to help you relax before allowing your body temperature to drop naturally will improve your sleep quality.
Using the Sauna Reduce Incidences of Common Cold
In an Austrian study, 25 healthy subjects who regularly used saunas had significantly fewer episodes of common colds than those who did not [15]. This benefit becomes more significant, especially after 14 weeks of consecutive sauna use. Therefore, in order to fully experience the immune-strengthening benefits of sauna use, you want to use it regularly, at least twice a week throughout the year.
And now that I’ve found a safe sauna option, it’s one of the key steps I recommend for almost everyone to include in their healthy lifestyle.
Remember, as I have said before, not all infrared saunas are worth your money. This is worth repeating if you are serious about purchasing a sauna.
The really nice thing about the type of sauna I share with you below is that you don’t have to heat it very hot to get the benefits. In fact, you can start with fairly low temperatures.
You don’t even have to sweat to be able to get the benefits from the sauna I picked. This is really nice for people who are still having trouble sweating or can’t do high heat.
My favorite of Sunlighten’s saunas has a patented infrared technology with all 3 wavelengths. These wavelengths deliver those gentle, warming infrared waves directly into the body.
Delivering the infrared waves directly into your body is what can allow you to detox without high temperatures and in a shorter period of time than other saunas.
With some saunas, only the air is heated. That means only your outer skin is getting hot which means you won’t have much detox happening – so what’s the point?
But infrared waves penetrate your body deeper. These waves reach those deeper tissues where toxins are stored. Particularly reaching the fat-soluble toxins like mold.
With Sunlighten, I’m finally able to get all the benefits of a sauna without experiencing any flares!
Sunlighten saunas have good research behind them and have been proven to 95-99% effective.
And as a bonus, it’s super easy to use.
Adding an infrared sauna to your home is affordable and easier than you may think.
When I first tried the Sunlighten Sauna at the spa, I felt so great, I knew I’d want to come back again and again. I just felt so good afterward.
Even beyond detoxing, I already knew the research on infrared sauna use and longevity was solid. So, I figured now that I’d found a sauna I could use, I’d want it to become part of my regular health routine for the long term.
I looked at some numbers, next. The cost of going to this spa 2-3 times a week for the long term was going to get expensive quickly.
When I added what it would cost me to get 3 sauna sessions per week for a year, it was going to cost me more than just buying a home sauna!
Since I knew I’d use it frequently…and because it was a great investment in my health…it just made sense to get a sauna I could use at home.
It certainly isn’t the cheapest thing I’ve done for my health. But, they had financing options, a great warranty, and a return period. I knew if it could help me through my mold detox and with my muscle and joint pain, it would definitely be worth it. And it really has been, we absolutely LOVE our sauna. And even better, I wouldn’t have to worry about other people’s germs and sweat.
If you are thinking about getting a home sauna for yourself, you’ll want to know about the different model options. This can save you some time.
Sunlighten has 4 models:
- mPulse
- Solo
- Amplify
- Signature
Let’s start with the mPulse. This is the one I want in the future but it was out of my budget four years ago so we started with the Signature.
mPulse Sauna Model:

The mPulse offers all 3 infrared wavelengths: near, mid, and far.
The near infrared has been shown to be very helpful for cell rejuvenation and anti-aging.
And the construction has something called an emissive coating. This allows the sauna to produce more infrared per square inch than any other heater on the market. That translates to more health benefits with lower temperatures and shorter amounts of time in the sauna.
It comes with a built-in Android control panel. The control panel can be used in airplane mode to keep the EMFs down.
I also like that it has 6 preset Wellness Programs. Each program uses a different combination of wavelengths:
Pain Relief
Weight loss
Custom program options – this is where you can create your own programs.
The mPulse does need a little space in your home and also needs a dedicated outlet (meaning nothing else runs off that circuit).
We are saving up our money to purchase this unit in the future, but for now we are still very happy with our signature 2.
But what if you don’t have the space or budget for a walk-in unit?
Solo Sauna Model:

For those that don’t have the space for the larger sauna or don’t want to spend the money on the walk-in options, Sunlighten also has a portable infrared sauna called the Solo System.
The Solo can be a great option if you don’t have space for a larger sauna or need a more budget-friendly option.
It differs from the mPulse because it isn’t a walk-in model.
Instead, you recline and are cocooned in it, but your head remains outside the unit. This can be good for some people who are extremely heat sensitive for any reason.
The Solo model doesn’t have all 3 infrared wavelengths. It just has far infrared, but this is still great for detoxifying and immune support.
The Solo model doesn’t need a dedicated circuit, either.
What about the other 2 units?
Amplify Sauna Model:
The Amplify Sauna has 2 ceramic heaters at the front for people who like a hotter sauna. This sauna technically provides all 3 wavelengths, as the extra heaters are full spectrum. They don’t provide the same, quality, precise wavelengths as the mPulse.

Signature Sauna Model:
The Signature Sauna also offers far infrared only. It can be a good choice if you want a cabin unit and are only interested in the detoxification benefits. This is the one that we purchased because we felt it was the best bang for our buck and at the time I mainly needed detox benefits.
Four years ago my husband and I decided that for our Christmas present (for years…ha) to each other we would invest in a sauna, and it has been worth every single penny.
After owning and testing out my sunlighten sauna for four years I decided to reach out to them to see if I could get my community a discount, and they said YES! I really wish I would have had this discount when I purchased.
If you’re ready for a sauna, it can be a great investment in your health. I get in my sauna 3-4 times per week! My husband gets in almost everyday and it has dramatically helped his chronic back pain.
I tend to feel cold a lot. And when the weather turns cooler, it feels so good to hop in there to warm up!
While these aren’t the least expensive sauna units, they are, in my opinion, the best and highest quality on the market.
I love being able to share new products with you that I’ve found helpful. But I know cost can be a concern for those of us with so many health expenses. I have lived that after spending thousands and thousands on doctors that didn’t help me.
Sunlighten is offering my Roots and Leaves community a *HUGE* discount:
UP TO $600 (Either $500 or $600 depending on the model)
$250 off a solo unit
Two different ways to access the discount:
# 1 - Use this link directly to order online. The discount will be applied as long as you don't navigate away from the direct link.
# 2 - Call Sunlighten at 877.292.0020 x1 and tell them you’d like the "Roots and Leaves Discount"
You can also learn more about Sunlighten Sauna here:
>>> Learn more about Sunlighten Sauna
As passionate as I am about this sauna, there are those who might not be ready for it, though.
Who Shouldn’t Use Sauna?
When considering if sauna is safe for you, there are a few other situations where you should definitely talk to your licensed medical provider first:
Metal implants
Multiple Sclerosis, Central Nervous System Tumors, and Diabetes with Neuropathy
Recovering from surgery
If none of the above describes you though, then you can do further reading and exploration on saunas and you might consider giving Sunlighten Sauna a try! My body thanks me every time I use mine!
Enjoy the discount friends and let me know if you end up purchasing one and how you like it (I know you will!).
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Denis Odinokov and Michael R Hamblin. Aging of lymphoid organs: Can photobiomodulation reverse age-associated thymic involution via stimulation of extrapineal melatonin synthesis and bone marrow stem cells? J Biophotonics. 2018 Aug; 11(8): e201700282.
Stone AA1, Bovbjerg DH, Neale JM, Napoli A, Valdimarsdottir H, Cox D, Hayden FG, Gwaltney JM Jr. Development of common cold symptoms following experimental rhinovirus infection is related to prior stressful life events. Behavioral Medicine. 1992 Fall;18(3):115-20.
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Areej M. Assaf,⁎ Reem Al-Abbassi, and Maysaa Al-Binni. Academic stress-induced changes in Th1- and Th2-cytokine response. Saudi Pharm J. 2017 Dec; 25(8): 1237–1247.
Antti Mero, Jaakko Tornberg, Mari Mäntykoski, and Risto Puurtinen. Effects of far-infrared sauna bathing on recovery from strength and endurance training sessions in men. Springerplus. 2015; 4: 321.
Shanshan Shui, Xia Wang, John Y Chiang, and Lei Zheng. Far-infrared therapy for cardiovascular, autoimmune, and other chronic health problems: A systematic review. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2015 Oct; 240(10): 1257–1265.
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**as always this does not constitute as medical advice, this is just my personal experience with using infrared saunas.