Elderberry Tonic vs. Elderberry Syrup
Elderberry Tonic vs. Elderberry Syrup
How is Roots & Leaves Elderberry & Honey Tonic different than the rest?
The Roots and Leaves flagship product is our Elderberry & Honey Tonic infused with 12 different herbs, roots, and spices. We believe our formulation results in more comprehensive herbal support allowing you to stay supported all year long but especially during flu and cold season.
In this article, we want to teach you about the differences between an elderberry “tonic” (our product) and a traditional elderberry “syrup” (their product), after reading we think that you will be able to determine what product is worth your financial investment and will keep your family healthy. We also wanted to take advantage of this space to give you a little insight into the benefits of elderberry and how exactly they boost your immunity.
Roots and Leaves is a family-owned business with so much belief in our products that we’ve dedicated our lives to making this brand successful and traveling the country educating retailers about why they need it in their stores. We’re in several retailers across the country, if you would like to find a retailer near you visit our retailer map.
What are the Benefits of Elderberry?
Elderberries have been used for thousands of years in the regions where it is a native plant, these regions include Asia, Europe, North America, and North Africa. These cultures were aware of the many benefits of elderberry and used it to treat issues such as colds and flu, respiratory illnesses, burns, wrinkles, and even acne. Today, elderberry is primarily used for immune support, but it also touts many other medicinal and nutritional benefits. Below is a short list of the less-talked-about benefits of elderberries.
- Elderberries are a prime source of antioxidants that protect cellular health and prevent premature aging and conditions affected by inflammation.
- Elderberries are a source of vitamin A which protects the skin, heart, and lungs, and a source of vitamin C which facilitates the repair of body tissues and the formation of collagen.
- Research has confirmed that elderflower extract stimulates glucose metabolism and insulin secretion, lowering blood sugar levels.
- Elderberries are a source of fiber, relieving constipation.
- Elderberries calm inflammation lessening joint and muscle pain.
How does Elderberry support Immunity?
According to Rosemary Gladstar, “In Old World tradition, an elder bush was commonly planted at the edge of the herb garden as the “protector” of the garden.” Similarly, elderberries and flowers function as the “protectors” of our immune system. In herbalist’s terms elderberries are thought to be “immune-modulating”, meaning they enhance the body’s immune response, in this case, to ward off colds and viruses. The stars of elderberries are the flavonoids called, anthocyanins. Flavonoids are the group of compounds that give fruits and vegetables their colors and anthocyanins are a subset of this group that gives the berries the deep purple color that is known for.
As stated, anthocyanins are the star of this medicinal plant because it is those compounds that actually have the ability to attach to the viral glycoproteins that enable viruses to enter host cells decreasing the multiplication of the virus. Studies have shown that the consumption of elderberry products does in fact shorten the duration of a cold or virus and also lessens the severity of the symptoms. Additionally, elderberries and elderflowers are a source of vitamin C, which has also been recognized as nutritional support for the immune system.
How should Elderberries be Consumed?
When uncooked, elderberries contain a toxic substance that can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea if consumed in large amounts. For this reason, elderberries are traditionally cooked in the form of jellies, jams, syrups, and at Roots & Leaves, with honey to create a tonic.
So, what IS the Difference between an Elderberry Tonic and a Syrup?
Ok, here we are at the final question! How exactly does Roots and Leaves Elderberry & Honey Tonic stand out from the traditional syrups other elderberry brands sell?

We take the ICK out of the bottle!
Most of us recognize the viscosity and texture that constitutes syrup, the sweetness and thickness are created from either a natural or artificial sweetener and/or a thickener. Common sweeteners that also function as thickeners used by mass-produced cheaply made elderberry brands include high fructose corn syrup (!), glucose syrup, fructose, and glycerin. Additionally, preservatives like potassium sorbate, malic and citric acids are added.
Roots & Leaves Elderberry and Honey Tonic’s formulation is without any of those icky ingredients in the bottle! Instead, you will simply find filtered water, organically grown black elderberries, and 11 other herbs, roots, and spices along with organic honey and a dash of black pepper and lemon juice. Each serving contains 2,000 mg of elderberry, and every herb, root, and spice plays its part in keeping you healthy in myriad ways.

An Elderberry Tonic is known to have a lower Glycemic Index
Removing the heavy sweeteners that cause an elderberry syrup to be syrupy lessens the impact our elderberry tonic will have on your blood sugar. This has the greatest impact on those with diabetes or other blood sugar-related conditions, but it also supports those consumers that are on special diets like keto (our tonic is less than 1 carb per 1 tbsp), and those that don’t want to risk a blood sugar spike. Instead, we sweeten with the herbs rose hips and hibiscus and add raw unfiltered honey for a tad of sweetness but also for anti-bacterial and anti-fungal benefits.

R&L Elderberry Tonic Packaging is Environmentally Friendly
Too many elderberry products are packaged in plastic! As a company that values human life, we also value the earth we depend on. Therefore, we take pride in choosing only glass for packaging our Elderberry & Honey Tonic. Not only is it best for the environment but it's best for your body AND it can also be washed easily and reused for your own recipes like salad dressings, kombuchas, or cold herbal teas. Don’t forget we have an amazing loose-leaf herbal tea selection!
Where to Purchase Roots and Leaves Elderberry & Honey Tonic
Acquiring your own bottle of Elderberry Tonic with 12 herbs, roots & spices is VERY EASY! You can order here through our site or find a retailer that is close to you using our retailer finder map. We work hard to maintain inventory at several retailers but if you don’t see one close to you contact us to learn how to get your closest health food store on the list and you’ll receive a free bottle from us!